Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Creativity and New Media

This is a link to a Pinterest board I made using new media. Pinterest is website and app that allows you to share your ideas through post with pictures that links you to other sites. I created a board about home décor by "pinning" certain pictures I liked. This allows for other people to see the type of decorating I like and admirer what design esthetic I like.


      New media makes it a lot easier for people to stay connected, but also has served a new way for people to be creative. People can post art online and sell them, post videos of make up tutorials, and even upload there own songs, making it possible for people around the world to see such creations. When it comes to gaming and online sites allow you to build characters, objects, and sometimes even new places. Blogs allow people to express there feelings, ideas, experiences, and even recipes online.  The Internet also can allow someone to create there own website and design it a particular way. There is so many different ways to foster creativity in new media. Twitter, Lego, and Flickr helped to advance its app and website by using ideas that its users came up with in order to gear the site to being more user friendly. Lego lets its users design masterpieces by using similar software the creators would use in order to design Legos. The internet lets people express there ideas for free and companies can use that to there advantage to make there users more happy and more likely to use there products.

Miller, Claire Cain. "Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers." The New York Times. The New 

       York Times, 25 Oct. 2009. Web. 29 June 2016.

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

      Virtual worlds can be used for either pure fun or games or even in some cases to help students learn. Some of these virtual worlds help people connect together and escape reality. Some critics believe virtual worlds make people “alone together,” but in the case of virtual worlds allow a figure to represent you and make the world around you as realistic as possible. Virtual worlds are merely used for entertainment and learning. Some of the negatives of virtual worlds can be that people don’t socialize and can get too lost on the game, like one can with any game.  
            In some colleges they are using Virtual worlds in order to help there medical students take on the stress of trying to diagnose patients, and move onto the next. The hectic virtual world helps them to make quick assertive decisions in an emergency room packed with people, the kind of thing, which happens often in a real life ER. This allows students that ability to improve time management, and there ability to think on there feet.
            People can foster their creativity through building new characters, buildings, and objects in these virtual worlds. A lot of the worlds are made from real life objects and places just with a more creative twist. Virtual worlds are another outlet for people to create things. I think in the future virtual worlds will become a lot more realistic, with the graphics, an will probably let the player have more control over there surrounding and what they can create in there virtual world.

Mehat, Diane. "After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get a Reboot."       
            Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 30 Apr. 2013. Web. 29 June 2016.

Simon, Stephanie. "Avatar II: The Hospital." Wall Street Journal. N.p.,     
            13 Apr. 2010. Web. 6 June 2016.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Social Networking Sites

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat are all social networking sights that are all very different.  I have used Facebook the longest out of all of these social networking sites, and recently I feel its popularity has declined. It is an easy way to stay connected but a lot of my feed is taken up by videos and advertisements, and less by friends thoughts. Twitter, which I have just created is a very interesting way to stay updated. I find the constant posts from people to be very interesting and thought provoking. You have a lot of control over who you want to see and what you want to be on your feed making it a lot more interesting. Compared to Facebook twitter is a lot more condensed. Snapchat is completely different from Facebook and twitter being that it is all videos and snapshots of your friends or celebrities you choose to follow. They have very minimal advertisements unless you click on some of the news links that give you snaps of the news which I like very much to get a quick update on what may be trending in the news on a particular day. Lastly, there is Instagram which is also like snapchat in the sense where you choose your following and are able to view pictures and now videos in which is posted. Instagram has started to do the same thing in including advertisements  but for the most part is minimal on your feed. Instagram is like twitter and snap where you are in more control of who you follow and what you view. All of these sights help people to come together and bring awareness to a lot of issues or events around the world, making our world seem to be becoming closer and closer together through social networking.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Social Net'g

Social Media in this day and age is used for a lot of things, especially for businesses. Businesses use it to connect with there costumers, promote their products, and even advertise. It makes it easy for company’s to advertise on places such as Facebook, twitter, and even snap chat Political campaigns are run through social media. Candidates constantly update their thoughts via twitter, and constantly post things on Facebook to get message across simpler then ever.

 A big negative to this is the privacy aspect, everything is very public. You have to be careful to what you post if you make it public to friends. Sometimes your views can be offensive and because it so easily available to see such information you can possibly get yourself in trouble at work or school. Cookies and certain things we research which are studied by big data are constantly tracking us.

I believe technology is going to become more and more important in our daily  lives. We are going to keep advancing and using more in order to connect and make things simpler, in a way it’s exciting, but also kind of scary.

"Like It Or Not, Political Campaigns Are Using Facebook To Target You." NPR. NPR, n.d. 

        Web. 22 June 2016.

"A Penny for Your Privacy?" Harvard Business Review. N.p., 11 Oct. 2012. Web. 22 June 


Monday, June 20, 2016

Blogs v. Wiki

Blogs and Wiki are both very similar as well as very different. Blogs usually are with one author, not as constantly updated. Wiki you are able to have multiple authors editing at a constant. A blog is an online diary much directed by ones opinions and feelings. Both websites are public ways to state facts and opinions. Its great to have so many outlets where ones voice can be heard and stated. Blogs and wikis are almost like books that are updated at more of a frequent. Both make information very freely and instantly available. Blogs can be uses as collaboration as we are doing in our class. Only having separate blogs with similar topics, but linking them together and commenting on each other’s. People from different countries can collaborate together through blogs on similar subjects doing just what we as a class are doing. Blogging has become both mainstream and much more popular with politics. They began to be used in 2004 in politics to help spread word and positions on such political matters. WikiLeaks has also become a big contender in poltics. Leaking private classified government documents that cant be taken down, and is for everyone to see, and helps dilute the bias in the news. Wiki and blogs are definitely a big part of our world today, and I believe will still continue to be apart of it. A new form of wiki could be made if you were allowed to edit but it must be checked before it’s posted.

Blogosphere." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 20 June


Submit Documents to WikiLeaks." What Is WikiLeaks. N.p., n.d.   

Web. 20 June 2016.